Cara Mengatasi The Processor isn't supported for this version of Windows 11
Solusi The Processor isn't supported for this version of Windows 11
How to Fix The Processor isn't supported for this version of Windows 11
How to Repair The Processor isn't supported for this version of Windows 11
1. buka DVD instalasi Windows 11
2. copy setup.exe, bootmgr.efi, bootmgr, autorun.inf, folder (boot, efi, sources, support)
3. klik kanan di Desktop > New > Folder
4. paste di dalam New folder
5. buka New folder
6. buka folder sources
7. cari file appraiserres.dll
8. hapus file appraiserres.dll
10. buka setup.exe di dalam New folder
11. pilih Yes (jika muncul pop-up)
12. klik Change Now Setup downloads updates
13. pilih Download updates, drives and optional features (recommended), klik Next
14. klik Accept (tunggu sampai Checking for updates sampai 100%)
15. klik Install (tunggu Installing Windows 11 sampai 100% complete)
16. Otomatis Restart (sambil tunggu proses Working on updates 100%)
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